What are Conditional Statements ?VBScript, UFT QTP.

Conditional Statements in VB Script

Conditional statements are used to execute a group of statements depending on conditions that are satisfied. These are the basics you need to know in order start scripting. Almost every script has one of these statements implemented. Remember, These are not as frightening as they look. Its only because we do not understand them in detail. Now Sit, relax and learn.

Conditional statements :

The below are the commonly used conditional statements.

  • If
  • If Else
  • If Else-if
  • Select Case

If :

Performs an operation only if the condition is True. If it is false then the execution ends.

If <condition satisfied> Then 
   < Execute Statements>
End If


Age= 26
If Age= 26 Then
   Msgbox "not a kid"
End If

If… Else :

Performs the If portion only if the condition is True. Otherwise Else Operation is executed. Firstly, it checks for IF condition, if it is satisfied then corresponding statements are executed and then End If. When IF condition fails then the execution goes into Else and the statements are executed.


If <condition> Then 
End If

Consider a vending machine which has snacks to offer for the customer.

userInput =  InputBox ("Enter number less than 10")
If userInput = 10 Then
   Msgbox "You have selected Uncle Chips"
   Msgbox "Please Choose a number less than 10"
End If

Consider the example of vending machine where these conditions can be implemented. Try thinking how a machine operates and how these statements get executed.

Conditional Statements

If…Else-If :

Only one section can be executed even if many conditions are True. Last Else is optional.

If <condition> Then 
ElseIf <condition> Then
End If


input1 = InputBox ("Enter any number")
input2 = InputBox ("Enter any number")
result = input1 * input2

If result  > 0 Then
       Msgbox "Both the inputs are either positive or negative"
ElseIf result  < 0 Then
       Msgbox "One of the input is negative number"
ElseIf result  = 0 Then
       Msgbox "One of the input is 0"
End If

Nested If :

If… Else statements can be nested to as many levels as you need. Else block is optional.

If <condition> Then
   If <condition> Then
       If <condition> Then
       End If
    End If
End If

Select Case :

Select Case statement is used for selecting one statement from multiple statements.Inclusion of Case Else is optional

Select Case <variable name>
    	Case "value1"
    	Case "value2"
    	Case "value3"
    	Case "value4"
    	Case else
End Select

Example: Display day name for user entered number

userInput = InputBox ("Enter any number <= 7")
Select Case userInput
Case "1"
    	Msgbox "Monday"
Case "2"
	Msgbox "Tuesday"
Case "3"
	Msgbox "Wednesday"
Case "4"
	Msgbox "Thursday"
Case "5"
 	Msgbox "Friday"
Case "6"
    	Msgbox "Saturday"
Case "7"
    	Msgbox "Sunday"
Case Else
    	Msgbox "Invalid Input"
End Select

All these conditional statements come very hand and proper usage will make your code more effective and clear. Learn by implementing these statements with your own examples.