Software has become almost inevitable in today’s world . It’s like Electricity in the early 21st century . computers ,mobile phones ,calculators, lab testing equipments were some of the examples. But today the technology has so evolved that we find it everywhere like :
- Smartphone’s – we never wake up without facebook, whatsapp pings .
- Mac books ,ultra books, Tablets – ‘Laptop’ is no longer used term .
- Watches and fitness bands – This is a big WOW! – an arm band could do many things for you.
- Banks – ever imagined transfer of money with few clicks from your phone. Only Hollywood movies used to have these kind of onscreen clippings.
The list goes on and on. Now we will look at the 5W of
5W’s of Testing are :
1.What is software testing?
Is a process, in which all the phases like Test planning, Test development, Test execution, Result analysis, Bug tracking and Reporting are accomplished successfully.
To simply define ‘ Verification & Validation of software is called Testing‘.
2.Why software testing is required?
Is required to Identify defects, isolate, subjected to fixes and ensure a quality product .
Examples include:
- We have mission critical situations where ‘failure is unacceptable’.
- Banks, flight controls ,intelligence systems ,antivirus ,security etc should run reliably,each and every time with accuracy.
- My friend bought a LED television and found a defect in compatiability. It required to send back to the vendor for installing a patch . Imagine how difficult the whole process would be ?
3.When do we test a software ?
This depends on various factors and based on the requirement . for example a Gmail login page can be tested once the login form is completed. We will discuss about the details in later posts.
4. Who is responsible for testing the software ?
Test Engineer’s , QA analysts , Programmer analysts and hierarchy has many paths.
we should accept the fact that its not that easy(as one thinks) to test , it requires the following skill sets:
- Knowledge of Basic principles of testing.
- Types of Testing and their applicable areas.
- Test Management
- Test Automation
- Organisation and People Management
Hey! hey ! ……. Do not worry … All these topics will be covered in the later posts on this blog .
5. Where Does software testing takes place ?
Its everywhere , But to be specific In the service and product based organisations , client’s workplace etc.
6. How is Software testing Performed ?
Testing is considered a project of its own. Although it is one of the phases of a software project.It includes Test Planning ,design,execution,reporting,maintenance , support.This will be covered under software testing life cycle post.