It’s Selenium, Introduction and Features.


One of my friend had a plan to ‘Learn Selenium’ and it’s still the plan today, almost 2 years passed by 🙂 . The list of excuses have gone to complete the notebook. If you are one of those or eager to learn selenium, Continue reading

How to set chrome browser driver system property ? Selenium Webdriver chrome driver illegal state exception.

selenium webdriver exception

How do we solve chrome browser exception which says : Illegal state Exception and is related to chrome driver. While working with Firefox, there is no such error shown. This is applicable Continue reading

What is SetTo Propetry and GetTo Property in UFT/QTP, GetRo Property?

SetTo and GetTo Property in UFT/QTP

The SetTo and GetTo properties are most handy for an automation tester when working with objects. In this post, we will uncover the details.

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