What Happens During Recording in UFT/QTP ? Behind the scenes

What happens during recording in UFT QTP


In one of my earlier post’ Getting Started With HP-UFT/QTP ‘, we discussed about record and playback feature in UFT. Now, we will know what happens behind ?

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What are Objects, Methods, Classes, Properties in UFT/QTP ?

Objects Methods Classes in UFT QTP

Anyone who is familiar with object oriented language like java, would know about these terms. But does UFT has these objects, methods, classes and properties ?  Continue reading

How to make QTP/UFT show add-in Manager at startup

Add in manager

While launching QTP/UFT, there is a add-in manager displayed for the user, to select or deselect the required add-ins. But, in case if you do not see the add-in manager or if you have unchecked the option, then follow the steps below to enable the add-in manager. Continue reading