Message box in UFT QTP ? MsgBox()

msgbox in UFT QTP


Message box is a good feature for displaying user defined messages during run time. In this post, we will look at different types of message boxes available in UFT QTP. Continue reading

What is Object Identification and Smart Identification In UFT/QTP ? with examples

Object-Identification in UFT QTP

Its all about Objects in UFT. Everything which are visible are known as objects. Such as Text, Images, Edit Boxes, Lists and so on. Now, how does UFT identify these objects uniquely ? We will find out in this post. Continue reading

What is Object Repository In UFT/QTP ? OR in UFT QTP

Object repository in UFT QTP


Object Repository is the most important utility that UFT has in its bag. In this post, we will learn about OR detailed version.
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What Happens During Recording in UFT/QTP ? Behind the scenes

What happens during recording in UFT QTP


In one of my earlier post’ Getting Started With HP-UFT/QTP ‘, we discussed about record and playback feature in UFT. Now, we will know what happens behind ?

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