While launching QTP/UFT, there is a add-in manager displayed for the user, to select or deselect the required add-ins. But, in case if you do not see the add-in manager or if you have unchecked the option, then follow the steps below to enable the add-in manager. Continue reading
QTP/UFT Test Process- Automation Test life cycle
In this post we will know about the testing process of UFT in brief. The process consists of the the following phases.
How To Add / Install Add-ins in UFT/QTP – Working with UFT Add-ins
In this post we will be working with UFT/QTP Add-ins. Everytime UFT is launched, we find a “UFT – Add-in Manager” dialogue box displayed. What is this Add-in manager? Why it is required ? lets check it out.
What are Software Testing Types ? How Many !
This post is related to software testing glossary . Not everything is required for each of you, but, Its the complete list . Have a glance and pick up yours.